It is important to me to offer Supervisees a strong and warm person-to-person relationship. Relationships are the centre of our work together, and with our clients. Based on this, we can honestly examine our practice and ensure we support our clients in the way we aspire to.
I use the Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision (Shohet & Hawkins). I am qualified and trained as an online and in person supervisor.
I am very happy to have a chat about what you expect from Supervision, and how we might work together to support you and your clients.
I am excited to offer Supervision as a reflective practice for individuals and groups, across different modalities. I really enjoy working together in this way. Supervision has always been the cornerstone of my practice – a source of support, comfort and insight. I have valued respect and trust in my own supervisory relationships and have found this has, in turn, improved my client relationships. For me, it is a very important place for open discussion and reflection on my work. I would like to offer others the space and trust that I have received. Supportive, honest, relational Supervision has given me the permission to work from an authentic place, to change as a therapist and to make mistakes and learn from them.
I have supervision in place for my work as a therapist and as a supervisor.
I have 15 years’ experience as a qualified integrative therapist, and I work in a relational way, flexing different approaches to client needs and temperament. I’m a kink-aware therapist. As part of my training, I undertook over 100 hours working on a psychiatric ward shadowing a psychiatrist and I specialise in working with individuals with complex mental health needs – diagnosed and undiagnosed
Prior to qualifying, I worked for over a decade as a Samaritan with the suicidal and despairing, in person, on the phone, and in HMP Holloway.
Do get in touch to explore how we might work together.
If you have any unanswered queries or more personal questions, I am happy to discuss these with you by phone (07432 174576) or e-mail. Please contact me to arrange a session to see if we can work together.
Contacting a therapist for the first time can daunting and sometimes it can be hard to do. It takes courage. It can feel like a big step into the unknown. Here is a guide which will hopefully reassure you in this process:
I am the only person who accesses this phone and email address. This means that you can be assured of total confidentiality. When you first get in touch, please leave the following details:
I tend to just say I am responding to your enquiry when I leave messages – just in case you don’t want others sharing your number / email address to know you have been in touch.
This conversation can be brief, and confirm:
It is natural to want to chat briefly and to see if you feel comfortable talking to me.
When we first meet, we will explore what you want to achieve in counselling or psychotherapy. If you’re still not sure which is appropriate, that can be discussed too, as well as any questions you have.
Don’t worry if you are early for your appointment – the locations that I work from have receptions where you can wait. During this first meeting, a decision can be made whether we can work together. You can then arrange the time and day of your regular weekly session.
I offer sessions in Warwick Avenue, close to Paddington. The address of the centre is West Hampstead Therapy Rooms, Unit 8, 224 Iverson Road West Hampstead, London, NW6 2HL
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